Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Monument 14

Author: Emmy Laybourne
Publishser: Feiwell and Friends
What would you do if you were trapped in a superstore where the end of the world seemed to be going on outside its walls? Dean is trapped in a Greenway superstore with six little kids, six high schoolers, and two eighth graders (including his brother), after a monster hailstorm forces the bus he’s riding into the store’s front doors. From there, disaster after disaster forces them to rethink everything they do.
Monument 14 is a great book for girls and boys from around seventh grade to high school. Readers who enjoy apocalyptic settings and survival stories will like this immensely. 
Monument 14 is a stunning story, almost as perfect as you can get. The characters are memorable and completely unique. The plot twists and turns in unexpected ways and directions, creating suspense, tragedy, and romance without becoming just another suspenseful, tragic, and romantic read. Definitely a book worth reading!

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