Monday, August 20, 2012

52 Reasons to Hate My Father

Author: Jessica Brody
Publisher: Farrar Straus Giroux Books for Young Adults

After crashing your car, your father tells you that you have to do a new low-rent job every week for a year. Now what? That’s what Lexington “Lexi” Larabee is wondering. While her friends are on a cruise, Lexi is working for the first time in her life. Her father has assigned her a “liaison”, named Luke, who keeps tabs on Lexi and is a huge source of annoyance for her. And Lexi has always felt as though her father doesn’t care about her at all, considering he’s always working and never goes to anything for her (like her high school graduation), so this really isn't helping. But soon Lexi will find that there really is a silver lining to everything...even something as bad as this.

Any girl who likes to read about other girls solving problems will enjoy this book. Readers that have ever felt as though they’ve been treated unfairly will be able to sympathize with Lexi and relate to this book even more.

52 Reasons to Hate my Father is a serious book wrapped in a fluffy coat. This story is a fresh twist on the tale about a girl who feels like she doesn’t know her dad crossed with a coming-of-age story. Both ideas have been written about numerous times, but 52 Reasons to Hate My Father makes them feel new and fun. This book is hilarious, and made me laugh. Surprisingly, Lexi was very easy to relate to, despite being spoiled and rich. Definitely a book worth reading! 

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