Thursday, September 13, 2012

Mystic City

Author: Theo Lawrence
Publisher: The Inkhouse

Soon you will be married to the love of your life, Thomas...but suddenly you aren’t so sure that he really is the love of your life. Aria Rose lives in future Manhattan, or Mystic City. Mystic City runs on power drained from specific people, called Mystics, who have special powers. The Mystics are singled out and live in poverty away from the rest of Mystic City. And after Aria wakes up and doesn’t remember anything about her supposed romance with Thomas, she starts to dig deeper and uncovers secrets that won’t only change her, how she sees the Mystics, and her family, but all of Mystic City.

Mystic City is a blend of fantasy and realistic fiction. Any girl from fifth grade to eighth grade will love this book. 

I definitely loved Mystic City. Especially the plot and idea that the author introduced. This book was a new sort of genre that is becoming more popular–a sort of futuristic fiction. But Mystic City is different than the other books I’ve read and I really liked that about this book. The only thing I would change is that some areas in the story move too fast and I would miss something and have to reread.

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